Arrival and pilotage
56° 24,129′ N
009° 03,346′ E
Arriving from west-side via Thyborøn, max draft in Thyborøn canal is 4,0mtr – and pilotage is compulsory through Oddesund-bridge only.
Arriving from east-side via Aalborg, max draft by Løgstør is 4,0mtr. And pilotage is compulsory between Aalborg and Løgstør, when draft exceed 3.10mtr, and through bridges in Aalborg when vessels length exceed 53mtr (loa).
Max airdraft through Sallingsund-bridge is 25mtr.
There are no lights between Aalborg and Løgstør.
In periods with strong easterly winds water-level may fall below 4,0mtr.
Skive Port
The most important type of goods for the Port are:
- Fertilizer
- Broken stones
- Wood pellets
- Feed stuff
- Palletized goods
For crane capacity etc. please check our Stevedore page.
Harbour Authorities at Skive
Skive Shipping acts as Harbour Master in all daily routines. You can also contact Skive Kommune, Teknisk Forvaltning, ph.: (+45) 9915 1272
Navigational information

Limfjord Pilot
Phone: +45 9152 8888
VHF canal: 16 (only when pilot boat is manned)

Oddesund Bridge
56° 34,7´ N. 8° 33,6´ E
Open: 24 hrs service
Phone: +45 9787 5055
VHF canal: 16

Sallingsund Bridge
56° 45,0´ N. 8° 51,0´ E
Airdraft: Max. 25 mtr

Aggersund Bridge
56° 59,97´ N. 009° 17,64´ E
Open: app. sunrise/sunset
(can be opened 24 hrs if ordered)
Phone: +45 9822 1052
VHF canal: 16

Jernbane Bridge
in Aalborg
57° 03,50´ N. 009° 54,06´ E
Open: 06:00 – 19:00h (1/10 – 30/4)
05:00 – 21:00h (1/5 – 30/9).
Can be opened through the night without any costs, if ordered before 18:00h.
Phone: +45 9812 5229
VHF canal: 16

in Aalborg
57° 03,30´ N. 009° 55,2´ E
Open: 06:00 – 19:00h (1/10 – 30/4)
05:00 – 21:00h (1/5 – 30/9).
Can be opened through the night without any costs, if ordered before 18:00h.
Phone: +45 9812 0035
VHF canal: 16